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ورد جوري 06-14-2008 05:20 PM

Your Love
??!!Thinking about; what will happen to me if you left me

!Trying to imagine; what will happen to me

!I guess I won’t feel any thing again

...Maybe I will become insane

...You are my soul, I can’t live with out you

...No one can make me smile, but you

...You , the only thing I want from the whole world

...Asking to be with me, begging my Lord

??!Lord, what can I do to be together

???!!What shall I say to be with my lover

...Do any thing to feel this irresistible love

...I swear this feeling make me a life; this love

...Do any thing to feel it

...Say any thing to complete it

The sweet soul [/align]

مــنــادي 06-14-2008 06:26 PM

Thanks for the topic

Thanks for the words

Thank you for choice

ورد جوري 06-15-2008 04:15 PM

Thanks for passing
Thanks for comment

just4you 06-15-2008 10:25 PM

[align=left]love is pain
so if you fall in love
you have to be strong to get what you want
and you have to believe in love

i hope you find your soulmate

thank you


ورد جوري 06-15-2008 10:39 PM


I agree with you
always i say love is painfull

Thanks alot Just for you

شموخ النفس 06-17-2008 01:08 AM

شكرا لكي ورد

ورد جوري 06-17-2008 08:12 PM

عفوا شمووخه

تسلمي على مرورك

الساعة الآن 04:02 AM.

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