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[ برنامج ] : Protector Plus 2009 Antivirus 8.0.E03

لك عنوني مواضيع مكرره

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قديم 08-20-2009, 05:00 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي [ برنامج ] : Protector Plus 2009 Antivirus 8.0.E03


Protector Plus 2009 Antivirus description

An antivirus which includes email scanning, InstaUpdate, scheduled scanning, memory scanning,

de-activation of viruses in memory and quarantine

Protector Plus detects all types of viruses, trojans and worms before they enter the computer and removes the virus.

Protector Plus ensures that the computer is virus free. Protector Plus is packed with many useful features

like email scanning, InstaUpdate, scheduled scanning, memory scanning,de-activation of viruses in memory,

quarantine, user defined scan tasks, rescue disk, compressed files scanning and many more.

Protector Plus is a tool that will surely help you protect your PC from numerous types of malware threats.
Protector Plus 2009 Antivirus 8.0.E03
The email scan feature scans all the emails received before they enter the Inbox

and ensures that all the emails and attachments are virus free. On detecting an infected email the virus will be removed.

Protector Plus email scan can be configured to send an alert to the sender of the infected email.

The real-time scan feature will scan all the files accessed and automatically removes any virus found.

The InstaUpdate feature of Protector Plus will automatically download the

virus database updates from the developer's web site free of cost. The updates

are released every week and also in case of emergencies.

Protector Plus is easy to install and use. This software works on Windows XP,

Windows 2000 and Windows 4.0 servers and workstations.

Protector Plus is the prefered antivirus software رمز PHP:
[PHP][CODE]http://uploading.com/files/E5MXJGFV/Protector_Plus_2009_Antivirus_8.0.E03.rar.html&#91 ;/CODE]





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