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برنامج أعاده تنظيم أيقونات النظام Axialis IconWorkshop v6.50 Professional Edition

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قديم 08-13-2009, 08:00 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي برنامج أعاده تنظيم أيقونات النظام Axialis IconWorkshop v6.50 Professional Edition


Axialis IconWorkshop v6.50 Professional Edition

A tool designed to Create, Extract, Convert, Manage and Redistribute Windows Icon

Axialis IconWorkshop (formerly AX-Icons) is a powerful tool designed to Create, Extract, Convert, Manage and Redistribute Windows Icons.You can create, load and save all Windows Icons (ICO) and Libraries (ICL).

Axialis IconWorkshop is a software that create, extract, convert and manage icons.

Axialis IconWorkshop supports the new Windows XP Icons with Alpha Channel images (a.k.a. Smooth Transparency). Also, you'll be able to open Macintosh Icons and convert them to Windows format.

Here are some key features of "Axialis IconWorkshop":

- Ability to create icons compatible with all versions of Windows including the latest XP format with alpha channel
- Supports images with alpha channel to create icons (smooth transparency, shadows and image borders)
- Customize Windows icons. Adjust Windows icon size. Repair or rebuilds Windows icon cache.
- Transfer images from
Adobe Photoshop using a plug-in (through memory - no more temporary PSD file)
- Reads Macintosh icons from 16x16 mono to OS-X 128x128 alpha channel thumbnail format. Save them for Windows.
- Supports ICL Icon Libraries Create/Load/Save
- Imports/Exports Adobe Photoshop PSD images with layers
- Imports/Exports PNG and BMP with smooth transparency alpha channel
- Import/Export Adobe Photoshop PSD images with layers
- Batch create PNG, PSD or BMP images from icons (several icons at once)
- Batch create Windows icons from images or Macintosh icons (several icons at once)
- Batch convert Macintosh icons to Windows icons (several icons at once)
- Create icon or library snapshot images (create an image showing all the image formats embedded in an icon or library)..
- Contains several icon image filters (blur, smooth, sharpen, details, contour, emboss...)
- Contains several icon image adjustments (Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast...)
- Contains several icon image tools (Resize, Rotation at any angle, flip...)
- Drop shadow effect to create Windows XP compliant icons
- Enhanced color swatch/palette system compatible with Adobe and Jasc color files.
- Create an icon with all its formats from another icon image in one operation (easy-to-use wizard).
- Create an icon with all its formats from an extarnal image file in one operation (easy-to-use wizard).
- Create an icon from a screen capture
- Create ICL icon library
- Open any executable file (EXE, DLL, OCX...). Ability to change icons embedded in executable files.

- Pentium 3/4 or AMD Athlon - 500 Mhz or more
- True Color Video Card (24 or 32 bits - 16,8 M colors) - 1024x768
- 128 Mb RAM

File Size: 30.89Mb







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