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[ برنامج ] : أقوى برنامج للتصفح الخفي وفتح جميع المواقع المحجوبة و سريع..

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افتراضي [ برنامج ] : أقوى برنامج للتصفح الخفي وفتح جميع المواقع المحجوبة و سريع..


أقدم لكم

البرنامج الرائع و المميز

Mask Surf Pro v2.0

Name: masksurf01.jpg Views: 5533 Size: 43.1 كيلو بايت

وصف البرنامج
يمكنك من خلال هذا البرنامج تصفح الانترنت بأمان مع الكثير من خيارات التمتع بالخصوصية
و التخفى و ذلك لعدم تقفى اثرك على الانترنت
يمكنك تصفح المواقع فى خفاء تام و تضليل المواقع التى تقوم باستقصاء اثرك
يمكنك تحديد البيانات التى يمكن ان يقرأها المواقع التى تزورها
يمكنك تحديد دولتك , مدينتك , متصفحك , نظام تشغيلك و الكثير من المعلومات
مفيد جداً لدخول المواقع التى تمنع الاشتراك او التصفح عن دول معينة
و مفيد ايضاً للحماية من امور عديدة تنتج عن تصفحك لبعض المواقع

وصف البرنامج باللغة الانجليزية

These days, nobody would seriously complain about the lack of anonymity tools. Besides an impressive number of ready solutions, there are purely system-level methods of maintaining online privacy. A savvy system *****istrator can easily configure various traffic “roundabouts” and “detours” to conceal its source and make backtracing virtually impossible. However, all these methods usually require a great deal of knowledge and are virtually inaccessible for regular users – investigators, market researchers, NGO workers and others who need reliable anonymous surfing tools. If you are skilled enough, but are not quite thrilled by the idea of having to go deeply into an entanglement of protocols, gateways, hubs and routing tables, you should check out Mask Surf Professional. Looks like it may appear just what you’ve been looking for!

Mask Surf Pro is an easy to use anonymizer based on a highly complex technology called Tor. Tor is an open project aimed at providing the highest level of security for online surfers that is pioneered by some of the best network experts in the world. Mask Surf Pro makes good use of the array of encrypted Tor tunnels and distributed servers and offers you a level of protection you’ve never imagined.

The professional edition of the application is geared for advanced users that need more control and flexibility than regular surfers. It features an ability to select the country that the software will use to emulate the user’s ********, which makes it possible to go around geo-specific browsing or access restrictions. Users can also specify alternative anonymity tests to be used by the application and switch between them to ensure that no real IP address is being recorded by the visited resources.

Mask Surf Pro will be an ideal solution for experienced users who need the functionality of the standard edition and yet would like to be more flexible in terms of controlling specific aspects of their online activities

لتحميل البرنامج

لتحميل الكراك




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