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برنامج jetAudio 7.5.5 مشغل الفيديو و الصوتيات من السي دى والكمبيوتر

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قديم 09-08-2009, 08:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي برنامج jetAudio 7.5.5 مشغل الفيديو و الصوتيات من السي دى والكمبيوتر


برنامج jetAudio الشهير والغني عن التعريف ايضاًجت أوديو مشغل الصوت والفيديو سوء من السيدي او من الكمبيوتر مباشرة ويدعم جميع الاصوات تقريبا مثل WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM كما يقوم بتسجيل الاصوات وحفظها بصيغة mp3 or wav والكثير مع العملاق هذا ذو الشكل الانيق

jetAudio 75
jetAudio 75 is released.JetAudio is integrated multimedia software.Supports All Major File Formats,Video Conversion,Audio CD burning,Recording,Tag Editing,Multi-channel sound ouput,Crossfade,Skin,Subtitles,Internet CD Database,Convenient album management & Playlist,Utilities,Remote Controller, Media Center Window,Audio Conversion,Audio CD Ripping,Internet Broadcasting,Various sound effects,Speed Control,Resume,Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke),Alarm & Timer,Equalizer,Superb Crystal-Clear Sound,Toolbar mode and so on.
jetAudio is integrated multimedia software composed of a single compact rack. Not only does it play various music and video files, but it also has other features such as CD burning, recording, conversion to other file formats, and so on. In addition to these features, you have the ability to create your own Internet broadcasting by using JetCast, which is provided with JetAudio. Play all major file formats and discs, including WAV, MP3, MP3Pro, OGG, WMA, MPG, AVI, WMV, MIDI, RM, and video, and audio CD. Convert among audio file formats, and record analog audio to various formats. The program features Internet broadcasting with JetCast; visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA; various sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files; and subtitles.

Download: jetAudio 75




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