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عملاق الحمايه Eset Smart Security Business GOLD v3.0.684 باحدث اصداراته ونسخه مميزه G

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قديم 09-11-2009, 08:40 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي عملاق الحمايه Eset Smart Security Business GOLD v3.0.684 باحدث اصداراته ونسخه مميزه G


Eset Smart Security Business GOLD v3.0.684
عملاق الحمايه الشهير باحدث اصداراته ونسخه مميزه GOLD Edition كامله

مميزات البرنامج:

1- نسخه كامله تعمل مدى الحياه بدون مشاكل ( اصدار خاص )
2- سهوله في التثبيت وخفه على الجهاز
3- حمايه قصوى وشامله ضد جميع انواع الفيروسات والتروجانز وملفات التجسس الضاره
4- سهوله وسرعه في الـ Update بدون مشاكل

نبذه عن البرنامج:

ESET NOD32 Antivirus System - Best detection, fastest performance & smallest footprint. NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microbill windows, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microbill Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.

ESET solutions are built on ESET™ one-of-a-kind ThreatSense technology.
This advanced heuristics engine enables proactive detection of malware not covered by even the most frequently updated signature-based products by decoding and analyzing executable code in real time, using an emulated environment.
By allowing malware to execute in a secure virtual world, ESET is able to clearly differentiate between benign files and even the most sophisticated and cleverly-disguised malware.

Users of Microbill® windows® can experience the power and elegance of NOD32's ThreatSense Technology with ease and comfort.
Our single optimized engine offers the best protection from viruses, spyware, adware, phishing attacks, and more.
Keep tomorrow's threats at bay with our proactive detection technology.

Unique to ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0:
Hands-on service " All ESET customers receive the same level of excellent technical support service, whether an individual computer user or an SMB.
Ease of installation “ ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus V3.0 scanning engines are quick and easy to install, no matter what solution is currently running.

Advanced threat protection network “ ESET solutions are backed by ThreatSense.Net, a global early warning system built into the products.
ThreatSense.Net extends the power of ThreatSense??™s powerful analytics by automatically submitting samples of and information about new malware to ESET researchers for analysis, thus helping to close the window of vulnerability opened by new threats

الحجم: 23 ميجا

الرد على الاستفسارات في الردود :

1- ايه الفرق بينه وبين النسخه العاديه ؟

الفرق بينه وبين النسخه العاديه واضح في مميزات البرنامج اعلاه سواء من حيث طول مده عمل البرنامج ليتفوق على الـ 30 يوم المخصصين للنسخ العاديه وغيره .. وكتير هتلاحظوه مع التجربه

2- البرنامج مش شغال عندي

البرنامج شغال 100 % ومجرب عندي وشغال عند الاعضاء اللي حملوه والردود بتقول كده
مش عارف المشكله منين عندك :laugh2:

لتحميل البرنامج كامل اختار رابط واحد




واتمنا ان يعجبكم البرنامج :2thumpsUp




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