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برنامج Free Ultra Net Booster البرنامج الصاروخ فى تحسين سرعة الإنترنت و تحميل مجانى

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افتراضي برنامج Free Ultra Net Booster البرنامج الصاروخ فى تحسين سرعة الإنترنت و تحميل مجانى


عندى ليكم برنامج رائع جداً من أحسن البرامج و أروع ما يمكن فى تحسين سرعة الإنترنت

إسم البرنامج

Free Ultra Net Booster

البرنامج يسرع الأنترنت من خلال بروتكويل TCP/IP لنقل البيانات يقوم هذا البرنامج المميز بتسريع الأنترنت وتحسين من سرعته ويقل من مشاكل الأنترنت مثل فصل الخدمة وغيرها من مشاكل التي يتعرض لها مستخدمين الأنترنت البرنامج يقدم لك أفضل الحلول لتسريع الأنترنت بتغيير أعدادات الويندوز حيث سوف تلاحظ السرعة في تصفح والسرعة في التحميل وثبات خدمة الأنترنت من خلال ضغط كبسة زر واحدة فقط يقوم البنرامج بمهامه يدعم البرنامج أغلب أتصالااات الأنترنت : Cable, LAN,DSL,ISDN,T1,T2,T3 Satellite and Dial-Up ومن أهم مميزات البرنامج : يمنع قطع الأنترنت من الخدمة ISP, البرنامج مزود بتقنية Ping الذي يقوم بتنشيط المودم وتسريع الأنترنت, يمكنك أخذ نسخة أختياطية من سجل النظام قبل تغيير الأعدادات الأسترجاعها في اي وقت تريده, يقوم البرنامج بأعدادات خاصة لأتصال Dial-UP and LAN, يدعم البرنامج أغلب أنظمة تشغيل ويندوز : Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000,XP and AOL 7, يمكن للبرنامج تسريع أغلب متصفحات وبرامج P2P : Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN, CompuServe and downloading performance, but also Email programs, America Online (AOL), Instant Messenger, RealAudio, Real Video, FTP, ICQ, NeoPlanet, Opera, PcAnyWhere, NetMeeting, NetShow, AT&T, Earthlink and P2P

ده يا جماعه وصف البرنامج من علي الموقع الاصلي بتاعه

Free Ultra Net Booster
Prevents TCP/IP protocols data transfer from being fragmented and it boosts your Internet connection performance 2 to 4 times

Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this set of tools. Free Ultra Net Booster is a free application designed to help you keep your system healthy and responsive.

Free Ultra Net Booster is a package of 3 utilities; a network pinged - which prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) with. Full control over the Ping interval, host, and sound.

Free Ultra Net Booster - optimizes the way your Windows PC can send and receive information across the Internet in real time to prevent fragmentation of data transfers.

Freemen utility - allows you to free physical memory or RAM on your computer. Just select a target amount of free memory and click the Optimize button. You can also schedule it to automatically optimize RAM when it falls below a certain target level.

While the actual maximum transfer speed of your Internet connection cannot be changed except by upgrading your hardware, Free Ultra Net Booster can increase the performance of your existing modem/network hardware by optimizing Windows modem/network settings to maximize the efficiency of your current hardware.

By default, your Windows PC does not manage Internet connections as optimally as possible. Free Ultra Net Booster allows you to change certain Windows Registry settings that affect Internet connection speed through a simple, intuitive interface, boosting your Internet performance.

Free Ultra Net Booster easily solves two of the well known Internet problems:
1. Undesirable disconnections
2. Slow Internet connection performance

Free Ultra Net Booster can prevent
TCP/IP protocols data transfer from being fragmented. If applied it can boost your Internet connection performance 2 to 4 times

Free Ultra Net Booster's Ping option prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Most ISPs have inactivity timeout, which means they can disconnect you after a fixed time of modem inactivity. This could happen if you leave your computer on for a while or while you are reading something on the Internet and before you have finished you see the disconnect dialog box appear on your screen.

Free Ultra Net Booster will prevent those undesirable disconnections by sending and receiving a data package as a Ping interval at a fixed time you set.

Free Ultra Net Booster includes a very intuitive and simple to operate user interface and a comprehensive help file.

Here are some key features of "Free Ultra Net Booster":

· Prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP
· ISB has a built in Automatic Ping mode.
· The user has full control over the Ping Interval, Ping Host and Ping Sound .
· Includes easy registry backup.
· The user can set Max MTU, RWIN, TTL, Session keep Alive, PMTU and NDI cache.
· ISB has a manual mode to configure Dial-UP and LAN settings.
· Also ISB has two automatic modes to configure Dial-UP and LAN settings.
· The default Widows settings can be easily restored.
· Supports all software and hardware adapters.
· Offers more than 200 Windows operating systems registry tweaks
· Boost overall performance and data transfer rates up to 500%
· All connection types are supported (Cable, LAN,DSL,ISDN,T1,T2,T3 Satellite and Dial-Up), as are all software and hardware adapters
· Easily restore your default Windows settings with the included back-up option
· Comprehensive help file with definitions of various terms and settings is included.
· Supports Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000,XP and AOL 7, and it comes with a brand new memory defrag utility
· Frees memory so your applications will run faster and smoother
· Fine-tunes various Internet settings to make Internet connections faster and to increase modem dialing speed
· Web pages display faster and file downloads take less time to complete. SC Net Speed Booster works at the operating system level and therefore boosts not only all Internet browsers including Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN, CompuServe and downloading performance, but also Email programs, America Online (AOL), Instant Messenger, RealAudio, Real Video, FTP, ICQ, NeoPlanet, Opera, PcAnyWhere, NetMeeting, NetShow, AT&T, Earthlink and P2P bandwidth, by as much as five times, while significantly reducing data-packet loss. This is especially handy for online gamers and file-sharing fans that transmit large amounts of data on a regular basis.
· Advanced users can tweak in their own TCP/IP settings easily.
· Enables you to send and receive bigger information packets for your protocol safely and by means of a Stay-Alive Tool attached to this program, your connection will never drop in any case


· 1.4 Ghz
· 64 MB RAM
· 20 MB hard disk space

البرنامج يشتغل على هذه الأنظمة :
Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003

فقط 4.62 ميجا بايت

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