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برنامج Crystal Desktop 3.9 روعة في ادارة سطح المكتب

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افتراضي برنامج Crystal Desktop 3.9 روعة في ادارة سطح المكتب


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برنامج Crystal Desktop 3.9

روعة في ادارة سطح المكتب

البرنامج يستحق التحميل لمميزاته العديدة فهو يجعلك تتنقل بكل سهولة بين النوافذ المتوحة وايضا اشكال متعددة وطرق مختلفة

والكثير من المميزات

معلومات بالانجليزي

Sometimes there are so many windows on your desktop, it is very hard to work, hard to find required window. To solve this problem you can use Crystal Desktop. Crystal Desktop has many convenient and important features. Such as "Rules", "Exceptions List", "Quick Switching Arrows", "Autostart List", "Own shortcuts", "Own resolution", "Own wallpaper", "Window list". None of all virtual desktop managers supports all of these features. Besides, instead of 3D Virtual Desktop Managers Crystal Desktop will not distract you from work and slow your system. Since first version Crystal Desktop has tested by many users and now it is already very powerful product.

Key features of "Crystal Desktop":
· Fast method of desktops switching
· Easy task managing
· Every desktop may have its own wallpaper, shortcuts, resolutions!
· Convenient user-friendly interface
· Little resource consumption
· Quick Switching Arrows for faster switching
· Set rules for the desktops if you want some window always to be on some desktop. It's very simple.
· Exception list allows you to see some windows on all desktops(e.g. IM Client).
· Automatically checking updates. You will be the first who knows about new version of Crystal Desktop.
· Hot keys helps you to manage desktops faster and conveniently.
· Detailed Manual learns you how to use all power of Crystal Desktop. More screenshots and less text. You will know how to use all functions in 5 minutes!


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