Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Technical Preview) Pre Registered
معلومات عن البرنامج
Microsoft Office 2010 provides people at home or work with a
comprehensive set of tools that helps them gather and consolidate
virtually any type of information, find what they are looking for quickly,
and easily share information with others across geographical or
organizational boundaries, so they can deliver better results faster.**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= *=*=*=*=**
Office 2010 is set to release in March 2010. This is the Technical Preview Version that will be released to a selected group of people in the month of June/July, you can access it now.
Office 2010 is much faster than 2007 and much cooler. Office 2010 has all the features of 2007 and many more.
Office 2010 is compatible with all previous versions and OpenOffice 3.1
For PowerPoint users, Microsoft has added some amazingly cool slide transitions.
For people who use Windows 7, Office 2010 supports the JumpLists feature.
Office 2010 (Technical Preview) is very stable and i use it as my primary Office Application.
Successfully completed active version, as it did not ask for a Serial

روابط التحميل :
أتمنى اشوف ردودكم الجميلة والمشجعة
شرح التثبيت عملية فك الضغط عن الملفات نظلل الملفات كالعاده ونعمل استخراج الى اى مكان تريده بالهاردسك

فتحنا الملف وهذه محتوياته
عملية التنصيب اضغط على ايقونة سيت اب
انتهى التنصيب بنجاح
محتوياتها من جهازى

حصري لمنتدى اقلاع سوفت @@