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برنامج Super Internet TV Premium Edition 8.0 شاهد جميع قنوات الدش مباشرة

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افتراضي برنامج Super Internet TV Premium Edition 8.0 شاهد جميع قنوات الدش مباشرة


[[Super Internet TV Premium Edition 8.0
سوبر انترنت tv

تلفزيون الانترنت فائقة بريميوم الطبعة | 13Mb

بدء مشاهدة التلفزيون على جهاز الكمبيوتر في الدقائق 2!
سوبر تلفزيون الانترنت يتيح لك + 2200 لمشاهدة القنوات التلفزيونية الحية والاستماع إلى 5000 + محطات الإذاعة عبر الإنترنت من 100 + من البلدان. ليست هناك حاجة لتلفزيون المضبط بطاقة لأن جميع قنوات تدفق من خلال اتصالك بالإنترنت. كل ما تحتاجه هو كمبيوتر ويندوز وصلة الإنترنت. يمكنك ايضا ان تسجل البرامج المفضلة لديك ساعة يشاء. سوبر تلفزيون الانترنت مثالية للالمهتمين البرمجة البديلة ، وتعلم اللغات والثقافات الأجنبية ، والترفيه ، والرياضة ، أو أخبار.
• 2000 + مشاهدة التلفزيون على الإنترنت (انظر قائمة قناة تلفزيونية)
• استمع إلى 5000 + محطات الإذاعة (انظر قائمة قناة إذاعية)
• لا يتطلب معدات خاصة
• جدا سهل الاستخدام واجهة
• لا يتطلب معرفة الكمبيوتر
• تسجيل الإنترنت قنوات التلفزيون ومحطات الإذاعة
• شاشة ثانية ، بما في ملء الشاشة
• قناة قائمة التحديثات التلقائية
• الشخصية المفضلة لقائمة
• الترشيح المسبق
• تدفق الفيديو سرعة التحميل
• زيادة كفاءة الاتصال
• الدعم التقني
• يعمل في أي مكان في العالم

Super Internet TV Premium Edition | 13Mb

Start Watching TV On Your PC In 2 Minutes!
Super Internet TV allows you to watch 2200+ live television channels and listen to 5000+ online radio stations from 100+ countries. There is no need for a TV Tuner card because all the channels are streamed through your Internet connection. All you need is a Windows PC and an Internet connection. You can also record your favorite programs at will. Super Internet TV is ideal for people interested in alternative programming, learning languages, foreign cultures, entertainment, sports or news.
•Watch 2000+ Internet TV (see TV channel list)
•Listen to 5000+ radio stations (see radio channel list)
•No special hardware required
•Very Easy-to-Use Interface
•No PC knowledge required
•Recording Internet TV channels and radio stations
•Resizable screen, including full-screen mode
•Automatic channel list updates
•Your own personal favorite list
•Advance filtering
•Faster video stream loading
•More reliable connection
•Technical support
•Works anywhere in the world

The most significant Super Internet TV features are:

Various Channels: Channels include sports, entertainment, music, news, talk, radio and webcams from many different countries. There are even Television based on different languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Arabic. These channels are streamed over the Internet for free and do not require any subscription.

Simple and easy to use: Super Internet TV emulates the regular Television set on your PC. All you have to do is select a channel from the list and it will play in the main window. This application does not require any special configurations or settinngs in order to access all the channels. You can add selected channels to a Favorite list for faster access in the future.

No additional hardware required: It does not require a TV Tuner card, since these programs are broadcasted over the Internet.

Super Internet TV uses Windows Media Player's decoding system to present the television and radio signals. If you want to watch more channels which use RealVideo format, you also need RealPlayer installed. You don't have to care about the station's broadcasting format; it will switch automatically between formats. Super Internet TV works with any broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP) Worldwide.

Super Internet TV supports resizable screen sizes; you can change the screen window to any size that you want, including full-screen mode. This software comes with free automatic TV station updates so it will never be out of date. It also supports thousands of skins (visual styles) .

About the stations:
Just like a TV set, live Internet television depends on the origin and not on the software that displays the TV images. Some stations can be off line due to their servers' overload or Internet traffic jams. Not all stations have a 24 Hours schedule. The video quality is dependent on the broadcaster's own bandwidth; the higher the bandwidth, the better the video quality you will receive. For most TV and radio channels, a modem speed of 56Kb/s is required. For the broadband TV stations, you need 300 Kb/s.

System Requirements
- Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME, 98, 98SE or Windows NT4.0
- IE 5.0 or later
- 2MB hard drive space for installation
- Internet connection
- The latest version of RealPlayer and Windows Media Player Required!


1)run super-internet-tv-premium-setup.exe

2)Go to the "Help" menu.

3)Select "Enter License Code.

4)use the serial




مقسم 8 اجزاء حمل براحتك












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