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[ برنامج ] : Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.06 Multilanguage

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افتراضي [ برنامج ] : Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.06 Multilanguage


Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.06 Multilanguage | 11.74 Mb

After the picture and music files, now it’s time for the videos. Online portals like YouTube.com, MyVideo.de, VideU.de and ClipFish.de have long since become cult, they collect many funny and creative short videos. In the office and of course also in your everyday life in the meantime it is considered to be chic to call up the video portals for a short break and to start a couple of films to relax or for your own enjoyment.

The problem is that the offer of available videos has exploded so much in the past months that it is hardly possible to directly find the best contributions on an interesting topic. People who are in to the funny Star Wars parodies, the best animal films or quite seriously intended company presentations definitely need help with their orientation.

The Ashampoo ClipFinder knows the most important portals and can, analogue to a search machine, simultaneously pass on a quickly made search inquiry to all video portals. A few seconds later, the Ashampoo ClipFinder collects all hits in its program window in order to make the user curious with preview pictures.

Download films very quickly
The Ashampoo ClipFinder shows diverse information which fits each film in the results, including the length, the name of the film and its assessment. A click of the mouse is enough and the Ashampoo ClipFinder plays a film. It is however not a problem to transmit it completely to the hard drive. Then it is always available – and not only with an existing internet connection. Alternatively the link to a film can also be taken over in the favorite files and reactivated again from here at any time.
The Ashampoo ClipFinder proves to be very future-proof with all of its activities. Through an update function, it is possible at any time to expand the program by further video portals.

Great features
* Still completely free
* Amazing 3D Video Wall clip browser
* 1-click download and convert
* Vimeo portal added (lots of HD clips)
* Search up to 15 video portals at once
* Search in selected video portals
* HD video filter – find only HD videos
* New video player with full-screen mode
* Improved video playlists
* Tabbed searching, like tabbed browsing

Download links:

more info : Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.06 Multilanguage




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