07-01-2010, 03:31 PM
رقم المشاركة :
برنامج حذف الملفات من الجذور Uninstall Expert v3.0.1.2233
السلام عليكم
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برنامج حذف الملفات من الجذور
البرنامج الرائع
Uninstall Expert v3.0 2233
With Uninstall Expert, users can uninstall applications much faster than Windows Add/Remove program, sometimes 5-10 times faster. Still users can pick up the “hidden” programs which can’t be displayed by Windows Add/Remove program. Normally Add/Remove program can not uninstall applications completely, but Uninstall Expert can scan deeply into the computer, and then any broken registry keys and unused files on the hard disk can be removed completely.