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التسجيل التعليمـــات قائمة الأعضاء التقويم مشاركات اليوم

Principles of Economics

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افتراضي Principles of Economics


A. A household the night before in the chicken slaughter chickens, casually said: eat fast, this is your last meal! The second day, see the chicken and left a suicide note had been lying: God of medicine has been eat mice, you do not want to eat Secretary, and Secretary his mother is not to be trifled with. When the opponents know that your decision, can make decisions in their best interest
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B. says: I always open your eyes, just to let you always in my eyes! Water wrote: I always flowing rest, is to be able to hug you forever! ! Pot wrote: have instant his mother, and also so poor! ! !
constraints have changed, the original receipts, came into the cost. If the rack in the pot life, the cost naturally very high.

C. Why hate the old man? There was a famous economics, law can be interpreted Ghosn - repeated the same pleasure,christian louboutin sale, the satisfaction it brings will continue to decline; the same pleasure to repeat the first and second received the greatest satisfaction.

D. men and women, who more easily emotionally hurt? The so-called injury, should that put too much, too little gain, that is, had a loss. A business loss, the main reason should be no competitive advantage if the absolute lack of it, find yourself the advantage. For example, Chinese textile enterprises sold to Europe and the United States is naturally Shoudaoqinlai,ed hardy hoodies, if you must sell cars to Europe and the United States, sure to be injured. If a person can not account deficit, it should not hurt. Of course,ralph lauren femme, it is difficult to achieve such a state that only we can do some state-owned enterprises.

E. Why not polygamy or polyandry? Polygamy or polyandry would break the balance of the market, some handsome and wealthy bachelor might lead to monopolization of the market, which,juicy couture sale, like telecommunications, railways, like, all day long been BS-ing. Ranging from endocrine disorders, weight disorders will lead to a harmonious society. Monogamy has become a Pareto optimum.

F. plane, crows on the crew said: Ye come to the glass of water! Upon hearing this pig School Road: to ti has to glasses of water! Crew cabin to throw pigs and crows, crows with a smile on pig wrote: Silly, right? Ye can fly!
external factor is a constraint,paul smith sale, its capacity is also a constraint, often more important. Therefore,abercrombie jeans, successful people do, may not be able to succeed himself.

G. gibbon chimpanzee accidentally stepped on the stool pull, gibbon gentle to help her carefully cleaned after they fell in love, people ask how they come together, and chimpanzees sighed: ape shit ! That are ape shit!
path dependence in economics in that is that you present the choice was a choice before you decide if you want to change the path, the cost will be high that you do not want to change.




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