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صفحة جديدة 2
العودة   منتديات لك عيوني > الاقسام الإداريه > لك عنوني مواضيع مكرره
اسم العضو
كلمة المرور
التسجيل التعليمـــات قائمة الأعضاء التقويم مشاركات اليوم

Refuse to buy Japanese goods!!!

لك عنوني مواضيع مكرره

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قديم 09-08-2010, 07:16 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
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افتراضي Refuse to buy Japanese goods!!!


Each purchase, directly or indirectly, 100 Japanese goods

you are:

1. For the Japanese manufacturers increased by 40 dollars gross revenue
2. As Japanese companies increased by 20 yuan expansion capital
3. for the Japanese Government to increase tax revenue by 5 dollars
4. to the so-called Self-Defense Forces of Japan increased by 10 bullets
5. to print 68 pages of distorting history in textbooks and papers
6. give doggy stupid ghost of a wolf visits petrol Society.
If you buy Japanese cars, will open on the streets of Japan in China is that you made tanks! ! .
If you buy a Japanese kitchenware,juicy couture sale, the future head of the bullets pierced your son that you made! ! .
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1 month if the Chinese did not buy Japanese goods,christian louboutin sale, Japan will have thousands of corporate bankruptcy.
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you to do is simply do not buy Japanese goods




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